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YSJ London

Student Life

What to expect as a student living in London.

Students outfit and notebook

London is the UK’s capital, rich in culture, history and diversity.

It is a melting pot of people from every possible background, and students are guaranteed to find the people and places to make London their new home.

Prepare for the cost of living

While London does have the highest cost of living in the UK, there are still many ways to make it affordable.

Students should allow £1,500 to £2,200 per month for all living expenses. This includes food, transportation, accommodation, study costs and any other personal expenses.

To help you with your budget we have listed the average costs of activities and items in London:



Rent - Share

£800 to 1200 per month

Rent - Private House/ Flat

£1400 to £2500 per month

Bills (Gas, Electricity, Water)

£60 to £100 per month


£20 to £35 per month


£5 to £10 per day


£80 to £100 per week


£200 to £500 per month

Stationery and books

£35 per month

Money saving tips

Enjoy thousands of free events, lectures and seminars held in London throughout the year. Explore student discounts ranging from travel to books and cinema tickets to eating out. Discover historic London, visit Royal Parks and enjoy free entry to world-class galleries and museums. Find out more at Visit London.

Transport in London

London is a large city with many forms of transportation available to students. York St John University London is located in zone 2, making it easy to commute to, no matter where you live in London. The main forms of public transportation are the London Underground or Tube, buses, bicycles and taxis. 

Sign-up for discounted student travel and save 30% on London travel cards. Find out more at Transport for London.