Health and safety
Staff health and safety responsibilities.
A fundamental part of our safety culture as defined within our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Policy is the need to ensure that every member of staff, whatever their role must:
- Take care of their own health, safety and wellbeing
- Give consideration to the health and safety of others
- Not interfere or misuse anything provided for safety
- Comply with our safety and wellbeing procedures and standards
- Report issues that they cannot address to their Line Manager.
We have 750 staff – all of whom can do their bit to keep our university safe. Often things that could cause accident or injury are simple to spot or correct – think about coffee spilt on the floor, a trailing cable or other trip hazards.
Please adopt a See It, Sort It, Report It approach to things that could harm.
Report it to the Facilities Helpline:, your Supervisor or Line Manager.
Key Health and Safety information can be found on the Accident Reporting page.