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Learning and Teaching

Principles of student engagement

Here at York St John University, we think of our students very much as partners in their engagement with us. This places a responsibility on all of us, students and staff, to actively seek opportunities for discussion.

Embedding the principles of student engagement (2017-20) (DOCX, 90KB), sets out the following vision, 

"To develop a transparent, meaningful and consistent approach to student engagement, through student representatives."


To help to realise our vision, the following objectives are outlined in the document.

  1. To foster a culture of authentic, open and transparent communication between staff and students.
  2. To increase engagement with all student groups.
  3. To clearly define the role and responsibilities of student and staff representatives.
  4. To ensure that effective and consistent processes support and enable students’ voices to be heard and acted upon.
  5. To offer support, advice, guidance, training for academic staff regarding effective engagement with the student body.

Achieving our objectives

One of the principles that underpins our vision is communication. So, achieving our objectives requires formal space and time where staff and students can communicate in a transparent and inclusive way. Outlined below is some information indicating what happens and where responsibility lies in order to facilitate the above.

  Timing Who attends Responsibilities
Academic Rep Meetings
  • Approx. 10 days post mid module evaluation:
  • Semester 1: 
    3rd or 4th week November
  • Semester 2:
    end of March/beg April
  • Associate Head or Course Leader,
  • Academic representatives from each programme
  • Associate Head or Course Leader to arrange meetings.
  • An academic rep to take notes and share them.
  • Associate Head or Course Leader to feed back to students within 10 days of the meeting as to actions to be taken in response to feedback.
  • Where appropriate actions and/or feedback may be referred to the staff and student engagement committee.
  Timing Who attends Responsibilities
Staff and Student engagement committee
  • After the Academic Rep meeting
  • Semester 1:
    Before the Christmas break
  • Semester 2:
    end of April/beg of May
  • HOS
  • Associate Heads
  • Student Academic Representative School Chair
  • School Learning & Teaching Leads
  • Academic Liaison Librarians
  • Secretary/note taker
  • Programme Administration and Support Service to arrange and take actions.
  • Heads of School to feed back to the chair of school within 10 days of the meeting as to actions to be taken in response to feedback.