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Learning and Teaching

HEAR for Staff

Following consideration by the Quality and Standards Committee, the HEAR will be removed for newly registered students from the 2022/23 academic year. The service will continue to be available for historic students with a Gradintel account since 2016.

The HEAR will continue to have verified activities uploaded for those current students that have a registered account with Gradintel. Alternative models to support the recognition of co-curricular achievement are currently being explored. In the meantime please follow the guidance below to continue submitting activities for current students with a registered Gradintel account. Any question regarding the withdrawal from the HEAR please contact

If you would like to submit a proposal for a new activity to be included into the HEAR, please send this to Academic Development.

Introduction to the HEAR

Students will be given details at the start of their programme that will allow them to access their HEAR through Gradintel. Gradintel are a company who provide the IT solution for many Universities for the HEAR. They also provide other services to employers who are able (data protection permitting) to search HEAR records when seeking graduates with specific skills.

In addition to having online access to their HEAR students can create a profile of additional personal information within their personal Gradintel space. Here is a Sample HEAR for Students (PDF, 607.0KB) to give an idea on what a student’s HEAR could result in looking like after completing their degree.

How it works

In the initial phase of the HEAR, those on the panel identified a number of activities that could be deemed appropriate to be recognised on the HEAR, These included Students Union activities. Both academics and professional staff can put forth activities, providing they meet the criteria agreed by the university. Once agreed, they will become available for students to access and begin incorporating into their HEAR.

The person responsible for the approved activity is the one who asked for the activity to be approved. However, this individual may delegate verification of the activity to others. Although, If externals are involved in verification then we ask that there is, in addition, an institutional sign off.

Submitting an activity

There is an agreed process for gaining approval of activities. All activities must address the criteria in the institutional protocol. You need to make clear the completion criteria and who will be responsible for verifying the student has completed the activity.

If you chose to submit an activity to the HEAR, you will complete the relevant forms (information below) and this will then go to panel, who is made up of representatives from across the university. The panel will review the activity you propose to ensure it meets the criteria of institutional protocol. Satisfactory activities and awards will then be recommended for approval. Once approved, the data about the activity will be uploaded to SITS. We will add it to the list of approved activities on the “” page so students can see what they can engage in.

The approval process only permits prospective activities, so you may not submit for approval, an activity that has already taken place. If an activity is taking place, only future students would be eligible to have it recorded on the HEAR on satisfactory completion.

The panel may decide to turn down your proposed activity, you may need to provide more information before an approval can be recommended or it may be deemed unsuitable. In either case, you will be given feedback and advised what to do next.


HEARs are uploaded and refreshed in September, March and July. Activity verifiers must confirm students that have completed activities ahead of exam boards in February, May and August. New registrations take place in November. Post result registrations take place in March and end of year registrations take place in July. If you have any queries about the timescales for HEAR processes, contact the Assessment Team in Registry via email

Relevant Documents

Below are the forms to complete to have an activity go to the panel for approval. You will also find a protocol document where you can find out if the activity adheres to the appropriate regulations. An example HEAR is below, to give a sense of what the student will see once they have graduated and have their HEAR. Finally, a Graduate Attributes Flyer, to view in your own time.

Form for Approval (DOC, 116.6KB)

Institutional Protocol (DOC, 26.8KB)

Exemplar HEAR Form (DOC, 105.9KB)

Graduate Attributes Flyer (PDF, 1.1MB)

Contact Information

Please contact us below for more information relating to submitting an activity to the panel, or for more information: 

Academic Development:
Dr. Mandy Asghar