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Research ethics and integrity

Process for research ethics approval

How the process works, key contacts and committees.

After discussing your research with your supervisor or line manager, applications should be submitted to your School Research Ethics Committee (SREC).

Please allow at least 8 weeks for the ethical approval application process. It may be that the SREC can approve your application but if there are amendments, or your application needs to be escalated to UREISC, then the process can take longer. You should not commence your research without written confirmation of approval.

From 1 November 2022 this will be an online process using our Ethics Monitor.

Ethics Monitor

Please log in using your usual York St John University credentials. The monitor is only available to PhD (level 8) researchers, Masters by Research (Level 7) students and academic staff. All other students should first look at our frequently asked questions. Guides to completing each question are embedded in the new software.

If you have a question about the system, please contact

If you have any questions regarding your research, please contact your Research Lead.

Once received by your SREC, they will either:

  • Approve
  • Request more information
  • Escalate it to the University Research Ethics and Integrity Sub-committee (UREISC) if considered to be high risk

Approval must be given for all research and must be in place before your research begins.

Ethical Support for Professional Services

If you are a member of Professional Services at York St John and require advice, or ethical approval relating to specific projects, please contact the Research Office,, for further help.

School Research Ethics Committee (SREC) contacts

School Chair Email Start date Expiry date
Arts Dr Tilo Reifenstein 1 February 2023 31 January 2026
Humanities Dr Sharon Jagger 1 January 2023 31 December 2025
Education, Language and Psychology Dr Charlotte Haines-Lyon 1 January 2023 31 December 2025
York Business School Dr Steven Hirschler 1 August 2023 31 July 2025
Science, Technology and Health Dr Sophie Carter  1 May 2021 31 March 2026

University Research Ethics and Integrity Sub-committee (UREISC)

If the School Committee is unable to make a decision, or the application relates to work with the NHS, the School Research Ethics Committee (SREC) will escalate to the University Research Ethics and Integrity Sub-committee (UREISC). The committee includes the Ethics Lead from each school in addition to the:

  • Pro Vice Cancellor - Research and Knowledge Transfer
  • Head of the Research Office
  • Head of Library and Learning Services
  • Head of Communications and Media Relations
  • Information and Governance

It also comments on ethical risks relating to internal projects, which are not deemed to be research. Examples include:

  • The collection and storage of personal data on behalf of the University
  • Equality and diversity

Committee members are given a minimum of 3 weeks to review any submission and this may be longer if additional information is required. Please factor in any possible delay to your research plan.

On completion of their review, applications will either be:

  • Approved
  • Require more information
  • Rejected (a full explanation will be given)

Please contact for further information