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KPI performance monitoring

How Library and Learning Services is performing against our key performance indicators.

Our key performance indicators (KPIs) will be monitored on a monthly basis to ensure we are meeting or exceeding our service objectives.

You can read our KPIs and monthly performance by expanding the tables below.

2024 to 2025

Key Performance Indicators August 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators September 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators October 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators November 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.


2023 to 2024

Key Performance Indicators August 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators September 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators October 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators November 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators December 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators January 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators February 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators March 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators April 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators May 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators June 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators July 2024

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.


2022 to 2023

Key Performance Indicators August 2022

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available 

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).

Not yet available 

100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus 

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators September 2022

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).

Not yet available

100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators October 2022

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).

Not yet available

100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators November 2022

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators December 2022

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators January 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.

Not yet available

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators February 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative formats request, we will supply 75% of requests within ten working days and 100% within fifteen working days (excluding library closure dates).


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6pm and 8am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators March 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators April 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2022 results: full Compliance with 6 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators May 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators June 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

Key Performance Indicators July 2023

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.


We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or Sunrise jobs logged, within 2 hours, during staffed library hours.


We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Print Services will complete all student requests (including dissertations) within 1 working day from receipt of the request. All standard requests from staff for printing, photocopying and stationery will be completed within 3 working days from receipt of the request. Requests which are non-standard will have extended timescales which will be agreed with the member of staff placing the order.


Teaching room checks outside the Fountains building will be completed at least once a week during term time, with any faults reported.


We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within 3 working days.


We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.


We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.


When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.


100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.


All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.


Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.


We will aim for at least 90% positive sentiment across all our feedback mechanisms.


We will aim to achieve CSE accreditation each year with no partially compliant criteria and at least 3 areas of compliance plus.

May 2023 results: full Compliance with 3 Compliance Plus

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.


Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hour of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per week.


100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.


100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly

During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.


90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times.


We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.


Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.


During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked twice monthly, with any faults reported.


We will respond to all HUSH texts reporting disturbances on the silent floor within 10 minutes.


ID checks will be carried out every evening between the hours of 6.00pm and 8.00am.


At least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.
