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Policies and documents

Diversity monitoring

We have a duty to publish information about the diversity of our University community. This update was published on 27 March 2024. It complements the annual Equality and Diversity report and the Gender Pay Gap report which provide a commentary on the statistics.

To read more about our work to advance equality, diversity and inclusion, please visit the main equality and diversity page.

This is an overview of the student population in the academic year 2022-23. It is broken down by age, disability, ethnicity (UK-domiciled only), religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation and transgender status. Please note that due to the current unavailability of HESA data for 2022-23, we have used internal data and this represents a change in methodology from previous updates.

Student data

This is an overview of the student population in the academic year 2022-23. It is broken down by age, disability, ethnicity (UK-domiciled only), religion/belief, sex, sexual orientation and transgender status.

Promoting student diversity

Read more about our dedicated support and guidance for our diverse community. Our Access and Participation Plan sets out how we improve equality of opportunity for underrepresented groups to access, succeed in and progress from higher education.

Student population 2022-23

Student profile UK and non-UK domiciled
Student group UK domiciled Non-UK domiciled Total
All students 7,135 3,061 10,196
Undergraduate 5,731 581 6,312
Postgraduate taught 1,123 2,462 3,585
Postgraduate research 281 18 299
Student profile by equality group, as a proportion of students at the degree level
Category Undergraduate Postgraduate taught Postgraduate research All UKHE %
BAME (UK) 7.76% 19.06% 7.47% 9.53% 26.2%
Disabled 27.87% 7.25% 30.1% 20.68% 15.2%
Female 64.18% 55.51% 62.21% 61.07% 57.2%
LGB+ 18.82% 9.4% 14.38% 15.38% 8.7%
Mature 23.08% 76.15% 80.94% 43.44% 51.0%
With religion 29.91% 80.56% 40.8% 48.04% 55.3%
Transgender 3.9% 0.67% 3.01% 2.74% 0.9%
Disclosure rates
Protected characteristic 2020/21 2021/22 2022/23 UKHE %
Religion 93.93% 93.38% 93.66% 88.9%
Sexual orientation 87.52% 89.32% 92.54% 81.6%
Transgender 93.3% 95.4% 97.27% 84.1%
Disability: by impairment group
Disability category Number %
A long standing illness or health condition 139 1.36%
A mental health condition 741 7.27%
A physical impairment or mobility issues 49 0.48%
A social/communication impairment 142 1.39%
A specific learning difficulty 516 5.06%
Blind or a serious visual impairment 18 0.18%
Deaf or serious hearing impairment 38 0.37%
2 or more impairments and/or disabling conditions 341 3.34%
Another disability, impairment or medical condition 119 1.17%
Ethnicity: UK domiciled students
Ethnicity Number %
Asian 272 3.81%
Black 154 2.16%
Mixed 224 3.14%
Other 30 0.42%
White 6,380 89.42%
Not known 75 1.05%
Total 7,135 100.0%
Religion (including no religion and not known)
Religion Number %
Buddhist 405 3.97%
Christian 2,420 23.73%
Hindu 1212 11.89%
Jewish 16 0.16%
Muslim 488 4.79%
Sikh 64 0.63%
Spiritual 11 0.11%
Any other religion or belief 282 2.77%
No religion 4,380 42.96%
Not available 272 2.67%
Prefer not to say 646 6.34%
Grand total 10,196 100.6%
Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation Number %
Bisexual 1232 12.08%
Gay or lesbian 336 3.3%
Heterosexual 7371 72.29%
Information refused 761 7.46%
Not available 146 1.43%
Other 350 3.43%
Grand total 10,196 100.0%
Protected characteristic Category Applications Offers Acceptances Placed applicants
Age Mature 1,069 (10%) 841 (9%) 284 (13%) 34%
Young 9,329 (90%) 8874 (91%) 1978 (87%) 22%
Disability Disabled 2,326 (22%) 2,169 (22%) 687 (30%) 32%
No disability 8,072 (78%) 7,546 (78%) 1,575 (7%) 21%
Sex Female 6,866 (66%) 6421 (66%) 1526 (67%) 24%
Male 3,512 (34%) 3,274 (34%) 720 (32%) 22%
Ethnicity BAME 1,003 (10%) 879 (9%) 165 (7%) 19%
White 9,083 (87%) 8,555 (88%) 2,086 (92%) 24%
  • Data are taken from our internal database for UK applications to full time, undergraduate first-degree courses.
  • Total applicants – 10,400, Offers – 9,010, Acceptances - 2,270.
  • Applications/Offers/Acceptances %: the percentage of all applications/offers/acceptances for that subgroup.
  • Placed Acceptances %: the percentage of applicants who accepted an offer in any particular group. 
Protected characteristic Category % Completion % First/2:1
Age Mature 95% 72%
Young 91% 63%
Disability Disabled 90% 67%
No disability 93% 64%
Ethnicity BAME 94% 41%
White 91% 66%
Sex Female 93% 68%
Male 90% 55%
  • Completion %: the percentage who complete their first year of study.
  • 1st/2:1 degree %: the proportion of 1st/2:1 degrees awarded, out of those who received an award.
4.1 Appeals

In 2022-23, we recorded 201 appeals (as of 9 November 2023), representing a decrease of 30% over the previous year. 19% of appeals were submitted by BAME international postgraduate students studying in the UK.

32 appeals were received from distance learners/students studying with international partners, of whom 72% were BAME. Of home students, 18% of appeals were from BAME students, broadly matching their representation in the student body.

More appeals were submitted by students identifying as female, 55%, opposed to 42% from those identifying as male. The remaining 3% identified as non-binary or other.

24% of referrals had a disability recorded on their student record. Data related to other protected characteristics are too low to publish

4.2 Academic misconduct

224 academic misconduct referrals were received (by 13 November 2023), representing an increase of 23% compared to the previous year. 56% of academic misconduct cases related to those who identified as female students.

Cases related to the Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) international postgraduates studying on the London campus accounted for 29% of all referrals. This is similar to the previous year (28%) however still a drop from the year prior (2020-21).

46% of all referrals were from York Business School. Of these referrals, 62% related to Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME).

Distance learners accounted for 9 cases. These were largely BAME students, in line with the profile of this cohort.

Of the home students who were referred for academic misconduct, approximately 11% identified as Black, Asian and minority ethnic, suggesting that they are somewhat over-represented in this category.

Data related to other protected characteristics are too low to publish.

4.3 Complaints, discipline and fitness to study/practice

12 formal (level 2) complaints were received in 2022-23. 58% of cases were from females. 83% of cases were from home students. 1 case was received from a BAME student.

There was a total of 12 disciplinary cases handled either under Level 1 (8 cases) or level 2 (4 cases). Of the 12 cases, they all involved home students. Of these 17% involved BAME students. One case involved multiple students however the majority of cases involved students identifying as male, 71%. 22% involved students identifying and female and the remaining 1% identified as non-binary or other. Of the students involved in the cases, 29% had a disability recorded on their student record. Data related to other protected characteristics are too low to publish.

In the last academic year we have improved information on our website about raising concerns and activity promoted our Report + Support platform to our university community.

Staff data

This is an overview of our workforce profile according to protected characteristics.  

The statistics show the workforce profile in relation to age, disability, ethnicity, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation and transgender identity of staff at the university as of 1 November 2023. The total number of staff was 1,171 (rounded). We also provide information about recruitment from 1 August 2022 until 31 July 2023. 

Workforce profile

Protected characteristic Category York St John
York St John % UKHE 2021-22 %
Sex Female 695 59.35% 62.6%
Male 476 40.65% 37.4%
Disability Disabled 132 11.27% 6.0%
Non-disabled 991 84.63% 94.0%
Ethnicity BAME 119 10.16% 13.2%
White 994 84.88% 86.8%
Religion Religion - Christian 357 30.49% 17.6%
Religion and belief - Other 122 10.42% 7.8%
No religion 567 48.42% 31.2%
Not known 125 10.67% 43.4%
Sexual orientation Heterosexual 890 76.0% 56.2%
LGB+ 124 10.59% 4.5%
Not known 157 13.41% 39.3%
  • HE providers in England and Wales are no longer required to return data for professional and support staff. As a result, the national data no longer provide an accurate picture of the staff demographics. York St John continues to voluntarily return these data.
  • 'Disability' and 'ethnicity': York St John has excluded not known values to align with Advance HE statistics.
Profile by age and job group
Job groups < 20 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60+
Academic 0 (0.0%) 15 (1.6%) 105 (10.3%) 115 (11.0%) 100 (9.5%) 35 (3.6%)
Professional and support <5 (0.1%) 145 (14.0%) 160 (15.5%) 160 (15.7%) 125 (12.4%) 65 (6.4%)
Grand Total 1 (0.1%) 160 (15.6%) 265 (25.8%) 275 (26.7%) 225 (21.9%) 105 (10.0%)

Note: Executive Board is included in 'professional and support staff'.

Disability profile
Disability Number %
Disabled 132 11.27%
Non-disabled 991 84.63%
Not known 48 4.1%
Total 1,171 100.0%
Profile by impairment group
Disability category Number %
A long standing illness or health condition 40 30.30%
A mental health condition 31 23.48%
A physical impairment or mobility issues 10 7.58%
A specific learning difficulty such as dyslexia dyspraxia / AD(H)D 15 11.36%
Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses <5 1.52%
Deaf or serious hearing impairment 8 6.06%
A social/communication impairment e.g autistic spectrum disorder 5 3.79%
A disability, impairment or medical condition not listed 21 15.91%
Total 100 100.0%
Profile by ethnic group
Ethnicity basic Ethnicity detailed Number %
BAME Asian or Asian British 54 4.61%
Black or Black British 28 2.39%
Chinese 12 1.02%
Mixed 15 1.28%
Other 10 0.85%
BAME total 119 10.16%
White White 994 84.88%
Not known Not known 58 4.95%
Total Total 1,171 100.0%
Profile by religious group (including no religion and information refused)
Religion or belief Number %
Buddhist 12 1.02%
Christian 357 30.49%
Hindu 11 0.94%
Jewish 4 0.34%
Muslim 25 2.13%
Sikh 4 0.34%
Spiritual 0 0.0%
Other religion or belief 66 5.64%
No religion 567 48.42%
Not known 125 10.67%
Total 1,171 100.0%
Profile by sex and job
Job group Female Male Total
Academic 262 (54.7%) 217 (45.3%) 479 (40.91%)
Professional and support 433 (62.60%) 259 (37.4%) 692 (59.09%)
Total 695 (59.35%) 476 (40.65%) 1,171 (100.0%)
Profile by sexual orientation
Sexual orientation (basic) Sexual orientation (detailed) Number %
LGB+ Bisexual 54 4.61%
Gay man 29 2.48%
Gay woman/Lesbian 20 1.71%
Other 21 1.79%
LGB+ Total 124 10.59%
Heterosexual Heterosexual 890 76.0%
Not known Not known 157 13.41%
Total   1,171 100.0%

We started to monitor transgender identity of our staff on 1 January 2016. 

Responses from the question ‘Is the gender you identify with the same as your sex registered at birth?’ 

Gender Identity Number %
Yes 637 54.4%
No 7 0.6%
Not known 527 45.0%
Total 1171 100%

Between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023, we had 4048 applicants, of whom 1634 were shortlisted and 374 were offered the role. Figures are provided in numbers rounded to the nearest 5. The columns 'applications', 'shortlisted' and 'offer accepted' show the ratio between groups in each category; 'shortlisted' includes people who accepted an offer. 

Number of applicants, shortlisted and appointed candidates
  Applicants Shortlisted Appointed
Total 4,048 1,634 374
Disability Applications Shortlisted Offer accepted
Disabled 330 (8.15%) 141 (8.63%) 46 (12.3%)
Non-disabled 3,513 (86.78%) 1397 (85.50%) 309 (82.62%)
Not known 205 (5.06%) 96 (5.88%) 19 (5.08%)
Total 4,048 (100.0%) 1,634 (100.0%) 374 (100.0%)
Ethnicity Applications Shortlisted Offer accepted
BAME 1,780 (43.97%) 620 (37.94%) 73 (19.52%)
White 2,125 (52.50%) 954 (58.38%) 290 (77.54%)
Not known 143 (3.53%) 60 (3.67%) 11 (2.94%)
Total 4,048 (100.0%) 1,634 (100.0%) 374 (100.0%)
Religion or belief
Religion or belief Applications Shortlisted Offer accepted
Christian 1,228 (30.34%) 527 (32.35%) 99 (26.47%)
Muslim 475 (11.73%) 162 (9.91%) 17 (4.55%)
Other religion or belief 555 (13.71%) 209 (12.79%) 47 (12.57%)
No religion 1,483 (36.64%) 616 (37.7%) 197 (47.86%)
Not known 307 (7.58%) 120 (7.34%) 32 (8.56%)
Total 4,048 (100.0%) 1,634 (100.0%) 374 (100.0%)
Sex Applications Shortlisted Offer accepted
Female 2,119 (52.35%) 885 (54.16%) 239 (63.9%)
Male 1,858 (45.9%) 716 (43.82%) 127 (33.96%)
Other 69 (1.7%) 32 (1.96%) 7 (1.87%)
Not known 2 (0.05%) 1 (0.06%) 1 (0.27%)
Total 4,048 (100.0%) 1,634 (100.0%) 374 (100.0%)
Sexual orientation
Sexual orientation Applications Shortlisted Offer accepted
Heterosexual 3,024 (74.70%) 1,172 (71.73%) 273 (72.99%)
LGB 487 (12.03%) 212 (12.97%) 53 (14.17%)
Other 134 (3.31%) 70 (4.28%) 9 (2.41%)
Not known 403 (9.96%) 180 (11.02%) 39 (10.43%)
Total 4,048 (100.0%) 1,634 (100.0%) 374 (100.0%)

We collect data about some of the protected characteristics of our employees who use the grievance procedures or subject to the discipline and capability procedures. Overall numbers are too low to publish any diversity data. An annual report is provided to People Committee for monitoring purposes. 

The policies are available on the intranet.