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Policies and documents

Customer care statement and Service objectives

These Library documents show how we work to monitor and improve our services, and how our users can support us to deliver a great service for all.

Customer care statement 

The following is our commitment to high-quality service and how you can help us achieve it. 

In the library you can expect that: 

  • The staff will be friendly, polite and knowledgeable, and will take part in regular training to ensure we are providing the highest level of service.
  • We will strive to understand your needs and tailor our service to you as individuals.
  • We will try to give you a solution or referral at the first point of contact. If we are unable to solve a problem immediately, we will make clear what will happen next. 
  • During term time we will conduct a roving service from 9.00am to 5.00pm, so that staff are available across the building to help you.
  • We will provide a range of study spaces and monitor their use and suitability, and will ensure that all areas are comfortable, clean and safe.
  • We will provide you with information on all our services, as well as any changes and improvements via a range of communication channels.
  • We will conduct regular shelf tidying to make sure that resources are easy for you to find.
  • We provide self-service issue and return points as well as back-up systems, in case of malfunctions, in order to provide continuity of service.
  • You are allowed hot and cold food and drinks across all floors, with the exception of the silent room on the ground floor, where we only allow water.
  • During staffed hours we will register a member of the public or someone applying under one of the library's reciprocal agreements, within one working day.
  • We will publicise our service objectives (see below) and measure against them so that we can ensure we are meeting our standards. We will use the results to improve our services.

You can help by:  

  • Observing and complying with Library codes, policies and zones; the IT Acceptable Use Policy; as well as the University’s Policy on Behaviour
  • Respecting other library users and staff.
  • Carrying your York St John University ID at all times.
  • Helping to keep the library environment clean and tidy.
  • Responding when required to communications from Library and Learning Services.
  • Checking your weekly 'renewal status' email to see whether you can continue to keep your library items.
  • Making sure library items are returned on time so that other people can use them. It will also help you avoid fines!
  • Giving us feedback by talking to us or, through social media, email or internal feedback channels (wall, cards, kiosks) so that we can improve the services we offer to you.

Our service objectives and KPIs

Strategic theme Service objectives Key performance indicators Our performance - November 2024 Target met?
Purpose We will provide timely and relevant support to all our customers, with the purpose of enhancing academic learning and research.    

We will be open for 99% of our advertised opening hours across our Information Services desks.

100% Yes

We will provide an initial response to 95% of all (library, ITS, generic) queries to or any jobs logged, within 4 hours, during staffed library hours.

100% Yes

We will aim for at least 95% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.

100% Yes
We will provide access to sufficient learning resources in support of a high-quality academic experience, subject to availability of the resource and budget.    

We will acknowledge 95% of all inter-library loan requests within three working days.

97% Yes

We will aim to acquire 90% of new books within 30 days of an order being placed for items in stock at our suppliers.

83% No

We will re-shelve items within 24 hours of their return (assuming there are no reservations on the item) to ensure print resources will be accessible to borrowers.

100% Yes

When an accessibility service registered user makes an alternative format request, we will supply 100% of requests within 10 days.

100% Yes

100% of essential readings (as agreed between the relevant academic liaison librarian and academic teaching team) will be made available at no extra cost to students.

100% Yes
We will provide access to appropriate infrastructure, guidance and advice to support university excellence in research. 

All emails requesting support and guidance to our research support email address,, will be answered within 4 working days.

100%  Yes

Our university repositories (RaY and RaYDaR) will be available 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.

100%  Yes



Strategic theme Service objectives Key performance indicators Our performance - November 2024 Target met?
People We will provide excellent levels of customer service and satisfaction at all times.   

We will aim to be at or above benchmark (83.95%) for student satisfaction for question 19 each year on the National Student Survey.

92%  Yes

We will aim for at least 90% of respondents accessing study skills (library, study and digital) support, agreeing or strongly agreeing that the support they received positively impacted their learning and increased their confidence.

100% Yes
We will ensure our staff are knowledgeable and well trained in order to meet the needs of all our customers.

Our Customer Services staff will undertake at least 1 hours of training and development (this includes conference attendance, webinar attendance, supplier demos, in-house training, shadowing, reading of relevant research or policy) per month.

91% No
We will offer a range of inclusive ways for our customers to engage with and provide feedback on our services. 

100% of feedback relating to improvement of the service feeds forward into discussion and action planning.

Yes  Yes

100% of actions taken in response to feedback will be visible to our customers in the form of written statements available at feedback points.

Available in the Library - produced quarterly Yes



Strategic theme Service objectives Key performance indicators Our performance - November 2024 Target met?

We will provide access to an appropriate variety of study spaces and resources (both physical and digital) to support learning and research.


During term time, open access PC checks in Fountains Learning Centre will be carried out weekly with any faults reported.

100% Yes

90% of computing hardware (laptops and open access PCs) will be in working order at all times. 

98% Yes

We will make returned items available for loan within 24 hours of their return.

100% Yes

Our library catalogue will be available for resource discovery 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.

100% Yes

Our Talis reading list system will be available to support academic learning 99.5% of the time, excluding planned maintenance.

100% Yes

During term time, IT teaching rooms in Fountains Learning Centre will be checked monthly, with any faults reported.

100%  Yes
We will ensure all our physical library spaces are safe, comfortable and well-maintained. 

During term time at least 60 minutes of daily staff time is used to monitor comfort and maintenance of the library building.

100% Yes



Further information

Find out more about our previous service standards and our KPI monitoring.

Comments, suggestions, and complaints

While we always strive to provide the best possible service for our customers, we know there is always room for improvement and sometimes things go wrong, so we welcome your feedback to help us identify and resolve issues.

Here are some options for sharing your ideas or concerns with us.

Informal feedback

To get quick action on issues as they happen, please talk to a member of staff at either of our Information Services desks in Holgate or Fountains. You can also call us on 01904 876 696 or email us at

Other options include filling out feedback cards available in Fountains, or using this feedback form.

Escalating concerns

If you aren't happy with the response to your feedback or concern, please email our Customer Services Manager at

Formal complaints

If you are still not satisfied with our response, you can log a formal complaint using the university's Appeals and Complaints process.