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Exams and assessment


Guidance and policies on progression during your course.

What is progression?

An undergraduate student 'progresses' from one level of the programme to the next level for which they are enrolled, provided they continue to satisfy the University progression requirements for their programme.

Students may not normally progress from one level to the next of a programme of study unless they have satisfactorily completed the previous level.

Taught postgraduate and graduate programmes are not normally subject to progression requirements as they are completed at a single stage. In cases where a progression requirement has been approved for a programme, the progression rule is stated in the programme specification. More detail is provided in the policies below.

Key information relating to the following areas is detailed in the policies below:

  • Undergraduate progression requirements
  • Foundation year progression
  • Progression to Level 7 on an Integrated Master's Degree
  • Progressing to study abroad
  • Conditional progression
  • Third attempt reassessment for progression
  • Recommendations to repeat or restart a programme
  • Notification of results
  • Mark conversion for returning exchange students
