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Policies for students

This page gives an overview of policies that relate to students. Full details of available policies and documents are on the main University policies page.

Bank of lavender in flower in front of campus building on Lord Mayors Walk

Our Student Charter

Our Student Charter has been jointly created by the University and the York St John Students' Union. It sets out what we expect of you as a student, and what you can expect from the University and the Students' Union.

Our student charter

York St John Students' Union and the University

We have developed a Memorandum of Understanding. It describes how we work together and outlines our mutual obligations. It aims to maintain and build upon the excellent relationship between the University and the Union.

Download Memorandum: Memorandum of Understanding (PDF, 4.9 MB)

Academic integrity

Academic integrity is of fundamental value throughout your University studies and beyond. It involves a commitment to the core values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in all academic endeavours.

Being motivated and consistently working with academic integrity will not only help you to make the most out of your learning experience and gain better marks, but it will also earn you and the University a fantastic reputation.

Academic misconduct

Individuals sometimes fail to act with academic integrity in an attempt to gain an unfair advantage in an assessment. This is often termed academic misconduct and it will be dealt with in accordance with University procedures. Academic misconduct includes unintentional acts, where students have not familiarised themselves with good academic practice.

A full description of academic misconduct can be found in the academic misconduct section of our Code of Practice for Assessment.

Code of Practice for Assessment

Concerns and complaints

Find out how we can support you to raise, address and resolve your concerns, including concerns related to bullying and harassment.

Concerns and complaints