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Your student record

Change of name

How to change your official name or 'known as' name on your student record.

Change your official name

If you wish to change your official name from the one you used when you first enrolled with York St John University you must submit a Notification of Change of Official Name and show supporting evidence that the new name is valid, such as a birth or marriage certificate, passport, deed poll (enrolled or unenrolled) or statutory declaration of name change. Overseas students must bring their passports.

Return your completed form to

Change your 'known as' name

It is possible to change your ‘known as’ name, as well as your title and gender on your student record by email (without a form) to:

This change will enable a change of name on your:

  • IT account
  • Student and Library card
  • Moodle and Mahara accounts
  • Name which University staff should refer to (for example, examination and attendance registers) wherever possible

Please note that your 'known as' name will not appear on your final award certificate, transcript or Higher Education Achievement Report.