Your student record
Update contact details
How to update the address and contact numbers on your student record.
It is your responsibility to ensure that your address and telephone details are correct.
This is because the University may need to contact you with important information at short notice.
You can check and change your contact details through e:Vision.
If you are unable to use e:Vision please email your change of details to
Address types
Your home address is usually your parental address where you live during the vacation.
Your term address is usually the York address of the house, halls of residence or self catering property that you stay in during term time.
Police registration for international students
International students from outside the EU, who are resident in the UK for more than 6 months, must be registered with the Police. You must also keep them informed of any changes in your term time address.
Information is available from York Police Office by calling 01904 631 321.