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Exams and assessment

Submitting work to Moodle

Guidance on submitting different types of work to Moodle.

Almost all work at York St John University is submitted through Moodle. The guidance below will help you understand the process of submitting your work.

Essays may be uploaded to a Moodle submission box or to TurnItIn via Moodle. Mahara ePortfolio submissions are also through Moodle. Videos can be submitted directly to Moodle, or by a link to a video uploaded to the York St John Media Library or YouTube.

Access Moodle

Issues with submitting your work? Take a look at our Moodle Submission Problems help page (Sharepoint).

For support and training on University software and systems, including help with submitting your work, get in touch with our Digital Training team.

Submitting Word file assignments to Moodle

Word file assignments should be submitted to Moodle for assessment. There are 2 types of submissions. The standard Moodle submission is shown by the hand under paper icon. Once the submission is confirmed, the file can only be returned to draft by the tutor or your School's Programme Administration and Support Service (PASS) team.

Resources: Submitting file assignments to Moodle (Sharepoint)

Submitting an essay to TurnItin via Moodle

Word file assignments should be submitted to Moodle for assessment. There are 2 types of submissions. A TurnItIn submission is shown by the red arrow around paper icon.

TurnItIn assignments usually allow re-submission up to the deadline for the assignment where the final submission is the one that is marked.

You can self check your own work to get a report on its originality before the actual submission. This is through a special Moodle course that you can self-enrol onto called Academic Integrity.

Resources: Submitting an assignment to TurnItin through Moodle (Sharepoint)

Submitting Mahara ePortfolio to Moodle

Mahara Portfolio assignments should be submitted to Moodle for assessment. Moodle and Mahara are linked so you will see a list of Mahara collections and pages within to choose from within the submission point. Note that that Mahara pages are locked when submitted to Moodle.

Resources: Submitting Mahara ePortfolio to Moodle (Sharepoint)

Submitting video to Moodle

Video is often submitted direct to Moodle. This can be done from any device including PCs and iPads by opening Moodle in a browser such as Google Chrome.

Resources: Submitting video to Moodle (Sharepoint)

Submitting text or links to Moodle

Sometimes submissions requiring a simple link or short piece of text are submitted directly on Moodle. This is done by typing or pasting the text or link, rather than by attaching a file.

Resources: Submitting text or links to Moodle (Sharepoint)

Submitting work to PebblePad

PebblePad uses its own submission system called Atlas. Workbooks that are distributed to fill in will usually be set to auto-submit.

For student created Portfolios, you can submit at any time and editing will be locked at the submission date and time.

ResourcesSubmitting a creative Portfolio - PebblePad (Sharepoint)