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Peer Mentors

Ask for help and advice from a Peer Mentor at York St John.

Two students sit and chat at a cafe table

How can we help?

Let us know how we can help you by completing our short Microsoft Form below, so that we can get you the support you need.

How can we help?


Do you have a question but don't know where to go?

Sometimes it's easier to talk to a peer. The York St John Peer Mentor team is here to help you by signposting you to university services. They can use their own knowledge of being at university to help you with your YSJ experience.

The York St John Peer Mentors are students just like you who are employed by the university to support you. They are here to listen, to help and to take you seriously.  

Contact the Peer Mentor Team

If you would like help from a Peer Mentor then you can email A member of the Peer Mentor team can then either make an arrangement to call you or to email you back, whichever you are more comfortable with.

Will our contact be confidential?

We want you to feel that you can contact us about any issue. However, if you tell us something that makes us concerned about you, your safety or the safety of others we will help you to get access to the support you need.

Becoming a peer mentor

We aren't currently recruiting new mentors, but we will open applications for new mentors later in the academic year. Look out for our recruitment campaign on the student app and around campus.