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York St John student to debut art work in new National Trust exhibition

Published: 10 September 2024

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Student poses alongside their mosaic art works

York St John University student Amy Martina will debut her work in an exhibition from the National Trust, focused on 18th century artist Mary Delany. 
As part of an ongoing partnership between the University and the National Trust, Amy’s work will feature in The Botanical World of Mary Delaney exhibition, launching on Tuesday 10 September and running until Sunday 23 March 2025 in Beningbrough Hall near York. 
Amy has just completed her BA in Fine Art at York St John and is now studying for a Secondary PGCE in Art and Design at York St John.  
As part of the National Trust exhibition, Amy’s abstract photographic collages will be displayed in the walled garden restaurant at Beningbrough Hall. 
With just paper, paint and scissors, Mary Delany transformed ordinary materials into extraordinary, inspirational artworks. Her ‘paper mosaics’ were celebrated as scientifically accurate botanical specimens and the exhibition will contain almost 50 artworks, celebrating Mary and her pioneering craft technique. 
Amy’s collages are layered photographs featuring botanical and architectural features, aimed at combining the theme of Mary Delany’s work with the physical site of Beningbrough Hall.  
“I found creating the collages a playful process – I had no idea what each would look like until I’d finished!” said Amy. 
“I want these works to give a window into the wonderful features of Beningbrough Hall, as well as whatever the viewer wants to see in them. 

"I’m very excited that my proposal was chosen for this exhibition and see it as a fantastic starting point for my artistic practice beyond university.” 
Helen Turner, Associate Head of Fine Art at York St John, said that Amy’s work was selected by Beningbrough Hall because it most closely considered the nature of the project and she clearly demonstrated her ability to complete the work. 
“Amy’s work echoes the collage format invented by Mary Delany and uses the visual synergy of presenting this on a black background,” said Helen. 

“Mary Delany made botanical flower collages, and Amy has used her photography of Beningbrough Hall to make her abstract photographic collages.” 
Beningbrough Hall has also commissioned Helen Turner and Sharon Jagger, Associate Professor in the School of Humanities at York St John, to write a song to accompany the exhibition. The song will celebrate Mary’s work and imagines her in the process of creating her famous botanical collages. 

Laura Turner, Art Curator at Beningbrough Hall, said: “‘This is an ongoing partnership between the National Trust and York St John University and it is part of our commitment to the Everyone Welcome principle. 

“We wanted to actively partner with an organisation which helps us to engage young people. It also provides them with an opportunity to be creative, and connect with nature, beauty and history.”

Beningbrough Hall is the first UK venue of this Mary Delany touring exhibition which will be hosted on the first floor of Reddihough Galleries. 
Learn more about our Fine Art BA (Hons) and Secondary (School Centred) PGCE courses at York St John University. 
Read more about the exhibition.  
Photo credit: National Trust/Sue Jordan 

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