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York St John Launches Strategy Refresh

Published: 25 May 2021

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Campus building with gardens in the foreground

In recent months, the University’s Executive Board and Governors have been considering the refreshment of the 2026 Strategy in the context of significant developments since the strategy was originally launched. These include the coronavirus pandemic, Brexit, changing skills needs across our region, policy changes in our sector, and social change movements that resonate with York St John’s social justice ethos.

The 2026 Strategy has now been updated to clarify the University’s future direction, with changes approved by its Governing Body. This is not a new strategy, but a refresh that retains bold ambition, and ensures people are at the centre of York St John’s strategic aims. It focuses on a commitment to social justice in all the University does and places its ‘support to succeed’ approach at the heart of the student experience.

The strategy has retained the mission, vision, and values, whilst updating the strategic aims, narrative, and key performance indicators, with a clearer focus on purpose, people, and place. Emphasised is the importance of partnerships. Initially outlined are three transformation projects focussing on: health and social care opportunities; YSJ in London; and regional economic recovery. From now until 2026, new projects will emerge as the University deliver the refreshed strategy. A commitment to social justice, equality, and inclusion, is better reflected in how it measures its performance and impact.   

To help accelerate York St John’s ambitions, and in line with a recent update on the annual planning process, an investment in recruiting new staff, including eighteen academic posts, will be made. These roles are being funded because they support the delivery of this refreshed strategy.

Members of the senior leadership team have been closely involved in its development and will take a lead on embedding aims and measures within their teams. The Executive Board and Governors will use it to regularly monitor our collective progress. It will remain a working document, flexible in the face of ongoing turbulence across society and our sector.    
As the UK increasingly comes ‘back to life’ following the easing of Covid restrictions, York St John University is building on shared values to deliver its commitment to educating students, strengthening research, and making a significant contribution to social change.

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