News article
Outstanding presence for York St John University at applied linguistics book prize
Published: 23 September 2021
- Awards
Academics and students in the field of applied linguistics triumphed at the 2021 BAAL Book prize.
The British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL) is a professional association, based in the UK, which provides a forum for people interested in language and applied linguistics.
Applied linguistics plays a major role in addressing contemporary issues, such as education, technology and intercultural communication, and the BAAL Book Prize recognises outstanding work in this field.
This year, the winner and the runners-up were all part of York St John University’s academic community, either as current staff or visiting Professors/ Fellows.
Dr Rachel Wicaksono, Head of the School of Education, Language and Psychology at York St John University, said: “When BAAL released their book prize shortlist, we were thrilled to realise that three out of the five were authored or edited by academics associated with York St John University. This success is a testament to the cutting edge research and teaching that is available to our students at York St John”.
Visiting Professor to York St John Alison Wray took first prize for her work The Dynamics of Dementia Communication.
Helen Sauntson, Professor of English Language and Linguistics at York St John and Visiting Fellow Dr Liz Morrish were the runners-up with their work ‘Academic Irregularities: Language and Neoliberalism in Higher Education’.
Also featured in the shortlist was ‘Ontologies of English: Conceptualising the Language for Learning, Teaching, and Assessment’. The entry was edited by Christopher J. Hall, York St John Professor in Applied Linguistics, and Dr Rachel Wicaksono, Head of the School of Education, Language and Psychology, York St John, with chapters by Dr Clare Cunningham, York St John Senior Lecturer in Linguistics, and former postgraduate students.
For more information about the School of Education, Language and Psychology research, and related events, visit the School’s YouTube channel or follow on Twitter @ysjschoolofelp
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