News article
Ways to Wander the Gallery
Published: 08 November 2018
Featured artwork Rebecca Horn 'In the Triangle' 1973-4. Image by Claire Hind.
This November Dr Claire Hind from York St John and her co-editor Clare Qualmann are leading a sell-out performative talk at Tate Modern to launch their new book Ways to Wander the Gallery.
The project took shape more than a year ago when the pair led a series of workshops at Tate Modern; looking at the relationship between walking, art, experimental writing and composition. They then invited each participant to create a page for Ways to Wander the Gallery.
Ways to Wander the Gallery includes reflections on our relationship to the ‘consumption’ of art in the gallery space and the artists’ pages which are each an invitation to readers to wander in the gallery and beyond.
Dr Hind said “We want this to be a book for walkers and anyone who makes, or is interested in, walking art and perfomance. Reconsider your walked relationship with art with this playful invitation to try different ways to wander."
Find out more and order a copy of Claire’s book a copy of Claire's book.
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