News article
Recognition for game design talent at York St John
Published: 15 July 2020
Some of the biggest video game manufacturers have seen numbers soar during the pandemic, and globally the gaming industry is predicted to be worth $300 billion within the next 5 years.
With a surge in demand for new gaming talent, Andy Sandham, Senior Lecturer in Game Design at York St John says it’s an exciting time for graduates to be joining the industry: “Gaming is now bigger than ever - and at York St. John we are training our students with a very specific skillset to make them industry ready Game Designers, prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead.”
One of the recent graduates of the BA in Game Design is already making a name for himself. Ned Griffiths was one of the winners of the D&AD Rare & Xbox New Blood Awards 2020. The awards are open to advertising, design, digital and marketing students, recent graduates and young creatives worldwide.
Ned’s winning entry ‘Melody’ explores a world in which music is the only form of communication and gamers have to tame animals and work with them. He said: “Melody was submitted in response to a brief by Rare, and one element of this brief that caught my eye was an emphasis on communication. This led me down a path of exploring different ways communication can be implemented in a game format, and I settled on music as an interesting route. The rest of the project developed from this. I’m very pleased to win this award. 'Melody' was a result of a lot of work and it feels nice to be recognised and validated.”
Andy says awards like this are extremely important for up and coming designers: “In such a highly competitive field as game design, Awards like D&AD New Blood are vital in spotlighting the cream of the burgeoning talent, and helping students as a first step in achieving their dream careers. Ned carefully crafted a unique game design that hit all the requirements of the brief, and then focused on producing a compact and polished delivery - a fantastic job, and a well deserved prize.”
More about the awards and Ned’s winning entry here.
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