News article
Ebor Lectures: Colin Craig explores the challenges for peace in Northern Ireland
Published: 10 April 2018
- Events
This lecture will see Colin Craig look at the challenges of division faced by communities and individuals in Ireland. He will question how to collectively commit to an uncertain future while also learning to let go of the barriers formed by historical sectarianism in Ireland.
Colin Craig is the former executive director of Corrymeela, an organisation which works alongside fractured communities and groups in Northern Ireland. Colin has been involved with the organisation since the 1970s and continues to support their work.
In 2018 many communities will be commemorating the centenary of the end of World War I. As part of this commemoration this year’s Ebor Lectures are centred on the theme of ‘Peace and Reconciliation’.
Colin Craig’s lecture, ‘The challenge of learning new habits so that we can live well together’ speaks to this theme in what will prove to be a thought-provoking discussion. It will forge an active and interesting discussion regarding a topic which often inspires only silence from both sides.
The Ebor Lecture series promotes discussion between theology and community issues. This is a multi-disciplinary series which builds conversation in economic, social and political spheres. The lecture series aims to pool wisdom between the church, educational institutions and public interest groups. Anyone with an interest in contemporary issues in society, from relationships to politics and conflict, is sure to be educated and engaged by this lecture series.
All are welcome at this free event to listen to Colin’s views and thoughts on ‘living well together’, a concept at the very heart of Peace and Reconciliation. Book your tickets.
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