News article
Supporting the scientists of tomorrow
Published: 21 March 2019
St Wilfred's primary school pupil at the Science Club
The Club, based in the Biomedical Science laboratories at York St John, allows children to enjoy hands-on experience through practical experiments supervised by subject tutors and support staff.
Following an over-subscribed first session held in March the Club will now run regularly during term time. It will offer 90-minute sessions for up to 20 children to learn about science in a fun and accessible way.
Dr Sue Jones, Director of Biomedical Sciences at York St John University, set up the Science Club with teacher Catherine Quinn following a visit from St Wilfrid’s school during last year’s Bloom festival run by Science City York.
Dr Jones said: “The Science Club offers children with an enthusiasm for science the chance to learn about it in greater detail, using materials and equipment in a safe and structured way. It has been very rewarding for York St John staff to work alongside teachers, children and their parents to help develop a greater depth and breadth of science knowledge.”
Recent research by Ofsted has warned that science is being downgraded in some primary schools, since the key stage 2 science test ceased in 2009. York St John University’s Science Club aims to help address this shortfall in science teaching, alongside nurturing enthusiasm for science amongst a key age group.
The Biomedical Science team at York St John is committed to public engagement and has worked with several local secondary schools and colleges to deliver practical activities and lab-based revision sessions. To date, over 350 children (age 9-17) have visited the laboratories since 2014 through outreach activities.
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