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News article

Taking a Stand Against Sexual Violence

Published: 07 November 2018

Working together, the University and Students’ Union have pledged to adopt a campus-wide approach to sexual misconduct and domestic abuse that always challenges inappropriate behaviour and language.

This will be achieved through the University’s ‘All About Respect’ campaign, a dedicated project to safeguard students by creating spaces for open dialogue about healthy relationships and embedding cultures of respect to strengthen the prevention of sexual violence, harassment and domestic abuse.

In addition, students and staff will be empowered through training programmes, and the implementation of accessible reporting mechanisms to provide appropriate support to those affected.

Students who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence or domestic abuse can now get help and guidance from online platform They can also report an incident in confidence via the report and support site or speak to a York St John Welfare Adviser who can talk through their options.

Professor Karen Stanton, Vice Chancellor of York St John University commented: “The value of respect in our personal and professional relationships cannot be underestimated. At York St John, we will proactively challenge ourselves to do everything we can to make our University a safer place to live, work and study.”

Olivia Bowers, President of Wellbeing and Diversity of York St John Students’ Union added: "This is a great step forward for York St John University and Union. Showing that we are taking a positive stance and doing everything we can, to make sure York St John is a safe place for both staff and students. I hope other Universities and Unions work together and join us in taking a campus-wide pledge to sexual misconduct and domestic abuse."

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