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Showing 71 - 76 of 76 results
  • News that York will play host to three Rugby League World Cup games in 2021 was met with celebration this week. York St John University was one of many York institutions and organisations that gathered at Everyman Cinema to watch the live BBC

      Publish Date: 
    • 31 January 2019
    • Categories: 
    •   Community
  • More than 700 teaching alumni will be welcomed back to York St John University next week when it awards honorary degrees to students of Ripon College and York St John who were awarded a Certificate of Education before 1980.

      Publish Date: 
    • 20 June 2019
    • Categories: 
    •   Alumni
    •    Events
  • York St John University’s holistic approach to improving social mobility, by widening access to higher education and ensuring students have the appropriate support and guidance to enter graduate-level employment, has been recognised in the 2019 UK

      Publish Date: 
    • 12 December 2019
  • More than 150 delegates from across the military community gathered at York St John University on 19 June to celebrate the success of a two-year project which delivered continued professional development (CPD) training to over 1,000 front line staff

      Publish Date: 
    • 20 June 2019
    • Categories: 
    •   Events
    •    Staff
  • A new national online digital learning and teaching resource tackling child sexual abuse and exploitation was launched at a special event at York St John University on 21 January, in partnership with the NSPCC and City of York Safeguarding Board.

      Publish Date: 
    • 22 January 2019
    • Categories: 
    •   Alumni
    •    Events
    •    Staff
    •    Students
