News article
Charlotte's skills on show
Published: 31 July 2014
A York St John graduate’s work has been chosen to represent some of the best art Yorkshire has to offer at a new exhibition.
Work by glass blower Charlotte Auger is on show as part of the Made In Yorkshire exhibition at the Old Courthouse in Thirsk. The exhibition celebrates cross-disciplinary artwork from across the county and features ceramics, painting, print and photography as well as glass.
This is Charlotte’s first professional exhibition. She said: “It’s such a great opportunity. To have work on display for more than a month is an absolute dream, especially for someone just starting out.”
Charlotte graduated last year with a BA in Product Design and is now the resident glass maker at York Glass on The Shambles.
As her course progressed, she knew she wanted to specialise in glass but the facilities weren’t available at York St John. However, with the university’s help and through funding from the institution’s Proof Of Concept award, she was able to outsource part of her course to Nottingham where she worked with international glass artist Ingrid Pears MBE.
Charlotte said: “I was so lucky to be able to do this and Ingrid taught me so many valuable skills.
“I fell in love with using the material as it is so interesting to use, the material is so versatile and, with the right control, anything can be formed.”
Her hard work has paid off and she now has a job she loves.
She said: “I am now the only resident glass maker, meaning I can create with no limitations. I still have a lot to learn but I have come so far in such a short space of time."
As well as the exhibition, Charlotte is now hosting glass-blowing courses for participants (over the age of 10) to learn how to make glass beads, glass animals and more about the cooling and finishing process.
Charlotte said: “It’s very hands-on and easy to use when you know how. Anybody, at any age, can do it.”
Made in Yorkshire will be at the Old Courthouse in Thirsk until 6 September. Entry is free.
For more information about the courses contact Charlotte via E: T: 01904 541122
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