News article
New course addresses trauma in children
Published: 29 October 2012
The first accredited course of its kind will be launched in York this November to help foster carers enhance the quality of their care through a better understanding of the issues associated with trauma and attachment in children.
The programme entitled Foundation Certificate in Trauma and Attachment has been developed in partnership with City of York Council, York St John University, York Area Foster Carers Association (YAFCA) and the Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
The Foundation Certificate in Trauma and Attachment consists of two modules; Understanding Trauma and Attachment, which will introduce foster carers to the theoretical perspectives underpinning trauma and attachment issues for looked after children, and Caring for Children with Trauma and Attachment Issues, which will enable foster carers to apply their learning to support their looked after child's developmental needs, enhancing the quality of their foster care.
Eoin Rush, Assistant Director for Childrens Specialist Services at the City of York Council said: "This is a fantastic development. Our foster carers in York provide an excellent service to some of the City's most vulnerable children and young people. They make it possible for these children to remain living in or close to their local community, to attend local schools and to maintain regular contact with their families and friends. Of course, this task can bring in equal parts significant challenge and reward. Our carers tell us time and time again that good support and excellent training opportunities are essential to the success of their role. The launch of this accredited training will make a huge contribution to the ongoing learning of our foster carers and in turn will help to ensure the continued good outcomes for our Looked After Children and Young People."
David Maughan Brown, Deputy Vice Chancellor at York St John University, said: “The University is delighted to have been involved in the creation of the Foundation Certificate in Trauma and Attachment. A huge amount of work has gone into developing the programme and I am certain that the foster carers who complete the course will not only gain from an increased knowledge in the subject area, but also enjoy the many benefits of continued professional development.”
If you wish to apply for a place for this qualification, please contact the Workforce Development Unit on 01904 553017 or email
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