News article
York entrepreneur creates Le Tour jersey inspired cycles
Published: 23 June 2014
A York St John University graduate behind an online fashion bike venture has designed three one-off cycles that will get Le Tour fans’ hearts racing.
To celebrate the tour visiting Yorkshire, Adam Thompson’s Revelry Cycles has created three brightly coloured designs each representing a winner’s jersey - yellow for overall winner, white with red polka dots for the king of the mountains, and a green for the sprinter.
Adam, who lives in York, set up Revelry Cycles in 2013. He says, “I had the idea this time last year to make my own brand of exciting colourful bikes for the fashion conscious. Within a week of having the idea I was meeting with banks and looking at which avenues would best suit me.”
Adam graduated from York St John University with a degree in Business Management in 2011. He received £1,500 Creative Business funding from the University which helped him build an office and buy computer equipment to get Revelry Cycles off the ground. The University also gave Adam support and advice on business matters and encouraged him to showcase his products on campus to help him gather feedback from his target market.
Says Adam, “My learning at York St John University gave me the confidence and to stand on my own two feet and launch Revelry Cycles and I am still in touch with course tutors who supported me along the way. Business is going really well. I projected £50k for the first year’s turnover and after four months of trading I am well on my way and confident of exceeding this, especially after already selling in 12 different countries.”
The structure of Revelry Cycles are manufactured in China and designed by Adam from his office in York. Adam also builds limited edition bicycles from scratch using one off designs, using parts that he believes are special, different and exciting.
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